Children's Dentistry in St. Catharines Ontario
First visits are mostly about getting children used to the dentist's chair and educating parents about how to care for your baby's teeth. It is ideal to bring your child to the dentist within 6 months of their first tooth. Expect your child's first dental visit to be short and informal. Depending on your child's age and comfort level, you may be asked to hold him/her while the dentist pokes around his/her mouth.
"Baby" teeth are important for many reasons. Not only do they help children speak and chew, they also aid in forming a path that "adult" teeth can follow when they are ready to erupt.

You should start cleaning your child's mouth even before he/she gets teeth. The bacteria that sits on the gums needs to be removed by wrapping a warm,wet cloth around your finger. Do not use toothpaste until your child has teeth.
When your child is between ages 4 and 6, expect your dentist to take a first set of x-rays to check for cavitites hiding in between teeth.
Prevention is priority between ages 6 and 12, when permanent teeth start to erupt. Your child's dentist will probably suggest a sealant. A sealant is a resin that bonds to the chewing surfaces of teeth that have deep grooves where bacteria can hide.
Cavities are the main problem children have with their teeth. But children can get gum disease too, just like adults. Daily brushing and flossing can help to stop or prevent gum disease. If your child's gums bleed, don't stop brushing. Gums bleed because bacteria that sits there causes inflammation of the gums and needs to be removed. If the gums are always red, swollen or painful, you should take your child to the dentist.
Baby Bottle SyndromeTooth decay in infants and very young children is referred to as baby bottle tooth decay. This happens when sweetened liquids or those with natural sugars (milk, formula and juice) are given to children before or during nap time or bed time. Also pacifiers that are dipped in sugar or syrup can also cause this type of decay. If these sugars are not removed before bed, the sugars cling and attack the teeth. To prevent this, only give your child a bottle with water at bed time.